România-Norvegia, împreună pentru copiii Bodnariu


/ #6514

2016-01-11 22:48

Dorim din toata inima aducerea inapoi in familiela toti cei 5 copii ai Familiei Bodnariu fara intarziere!Fiecare zii pierduta inseamna traume si rani adanci in psihicul si sufletul acestor copilasi!Daca Norvegia doreste binele acestor copii asa cum declara acesta e cel mai mare bine pe care li l pot face!Ma-ntreb ,cei care conduc aceasta Institutie Barnevernet,nu au familii si copii ai lor naturali?Politia care ia copii fara consiliere si avertisment ,ei nu au familii si copiii lor facuti de ei?Ce fel de inima au sa rapeasca cu atata cruzime bebelusi de la sanul mamei ,ori copii care urla si pland ?Noi romanii nu putem intelege aceasta atitudine si sigur nici alte popoare civilizate!
We wholeheartedly bringing back familiela all 5 children Family Bodnariu without delay! Every Zii lost means trauma and deep wounds in the psyche and soul of this child! If Norway wants the good of these children as he says is the greatest good that li l can do! I wonder, those who lead this institution Barnevernet not have families and children of their birth? policies that take children without advice and warning, they have families and their children made them? What kind of heart they so cruelly to kidnap baby from the mother's breast or children screaming and vel? We Romanians can understand this attitude and certainly no other civilized nations!