
Quoted post


#42 For Bacau

2012-03-12 22:05

Ha HA HA haaaa and you have to use external software and your outcast dark orbit you have to accept you even if you have CHEATING is the first on the server you think that we will not banish you think you trops decent on my daughter land and this is a game loll

PS: Well done for your geul esspaire and I are going down calm down :)



#43 Re: For Bacau

2012-03-13 07:40:56

#42: - For Bacau

You are not right, never cheating in games, this why we are making so many complains. And this is not only one mistake made by dark orbit and Bigpoint. Are you one of the admins? :) you should look for new job!

Acest articol a fost șters de către autor (Arata detaliile)

2012-03-13 08:09:24


#45 Re: For Bacau

2012-03-13 08:12:16

#42: - For Bacau

your english is poor. try in romanian.=))

revenim, engleza ta este varza. ai incercat probabil cu un translator. aceasta petitie este doar pentru cei care au fost nedreptatiti. daca ti se pare amuzant, gandeste-te ca este posibil sa fii urmatorul. si pentru ca nu procedez ca BP, nu o sa iti sterg postarea, chiar daca este doar o tentativa jalnica de a enerva lumea.