Spune NU biroului maghiar de la bruxelles

Quoted post


#16 hm...hm

2011-05-31 20:21

"...Addressing the demonstrators, Laszlo Tokes, the Protestant bishop whose protests sparked the 1989 revolution in Romania..." articol din the guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2006/sep/24/theobserver.worldnews4?INTCMP=SRCH
Altceva de adaugat sau pentru voi e mai important istoria home made.



#17 Re: hm...hm

2011-05-31 20:24:10

#16: zoli - hm...hm

vrei sa discutam Istorie? nu cred ca va tin bretelele si ramineti in funduletul gol