Scrisoare de susținere a Centrului de Cultură Arcuș


/ #94

2015-05-28 19:39

As a musician who has toured more than 30 countries, I was highly impressed by the environment at the Arcus Cultural Center, a space that offers access to the enjoyment of architecture, music, poetry and delights with its magnificent gardens. I support a *consensed upon* formula that, while respecting the rights of the rightful owners, allows the Romanian people to continue to enjoy the benefits of this Center, all while not incurring in another communist-style violation of property rights for a second time. I firmly believe that such agreement is possible, on the experience of simmilar property transfers in Europe and the USA, which, while increasing the wealth of their new owners, also put a heavy tax and manteinance cost burden on them - another incentive for the owners to reach an agreement with the Romanian state.