Don't erase our work!

To - Discovery CEO David Zaslav

Even though everybody in the corporate world passes responsibility from one person to another - ultimately you are the face and engine of the most recent changes in TV & media since taking over Warner Media. 

The show I wrote and created, named "Ruxx", produced by HBO Europe, has been on the HBO MAX platform for 4 months. One of your decisions is to remove it - not just that, but all the new Romanian TV shows that were produced in the last 5 years in Romania. Big part of “Ruxx” is extremely important and representative for women in Romania, for members of the LGBTQIA+ community in Romania, for many young people living in Bucharest - and not just that. Today “Umbre” season 3, “Hackerville”, “Tuff Money”, “One True Singer” and "Ruxx" have been taken off the platform. The choice to remove them means that you are choosing to erase a part of our history in terms of new TV series production and development of new content for television, inspired by local stories, relevant for Central and Eastern Europe. 

Together with my fellow artists and members of all teams involved in this, who are now witnessing our work for many years being literally erased, and together with people from the audience who felt represented or enjoyed watching any of these shows, I ask you to review this decision and find a better way to deal with our culture.

Vera Ion, writer, creator of "Ruxx"



Semnează această petiție

Prin semnarea petiției, accept faptul că Vera Ion va putea să vadă toate informațiile pe care le introduc în formular.

Nu vom face adresa dvs. de e-mail publică pe internet.

Nu vom face adresa dvs. de e-mail publică pe internet.

Îmi dau consimțământul pentru prelucrarea informațiilor pe care le furnizez în acest formular în următoarele scopuri: