Suntem sătui de abuzul acestor instituții antice și de acest aparat de stat învechit. Și care plătesc din buget, adică buzunarele noastre, mii de persoane să stea degeaba. Nepoții și rudele politicienilor adică.Corina Oprea (Brașov, 2022-05-20)
Vrem reimprospatarea personalului.Bogdan Scarlat (Bucuresti, 2022-05-20)
Stop abuzurilor institutiilor de statMonica Cojocea (București, 2022-05-20)
La cate informații aduna statul de la angajatori ar trebui sa dea informații și catre statistica.Adina Dumbrava (Bucuresti, 2022-05-20)
Informațiile solicitate se pot prelua din declarațiile depuse.Ileana Lepindea (Sibiu, 2022-05-21)
Informațiile se pot prelua din datele raportate lunar/anual de către contribuabili.Tatiana Chirilă (Galați, 2022-05-21)
Pierdere de vreme cu completarea acestor statistici atat timp cat exista persoane care au acces la ele...dar munca nu e pentru toata lumeaMihaela Alexandra Petrescu (Bucuresti, 2022-05-21)
Dorim prin semnarea prezentei petitii, SA STOPAM ABUZUL RAPORTARILOR LUNARE CATRE INSSE, iar Ministerul Digitalizarii sa trateze prioritar acest subiect si sa il implementeze cel tarziu pana la sfarsitul acestui an.Jenica Bl (București, 2022-05-21)
Muncesc lunar în plus pt INSSE.Dana Bora (Cluj-Napoca, 2022-05-22)
Sunt de acord ca aceste informații sunt deja declarateTeglas Mihaela (Sfantu Gheorghe, 2022-05-23)
Raportarile sunt inutile si de multe ori nu corespund cu realitateaAndrei Calota (Bucuresti, 2022-05-23)
Este aberant deoarece aceste date s-ar putea lua de la ANAF, fiind tot o instiitutie a statului. este pur si simplu un timp pierdut inutil mai ales ca majoritatea compteaza cu date incorecte(din burta),... dar e mult mai simplu atunci cand ti se da mura-n gura chiar daca nu are absolut nicio legatura cu realitatea. Asi fi de acord cu aceste declaratii daca asi fi platita pentru munca depusa.Mariana Cernica (Tecuci, 2022-05-23)
Fiecare trebuie sa si faca treabaRamona elena Bostan (Bacau, 2022-05-23)
Semnez pentru ca nu am timp sa muncesc pt INS si saturat de chestionarele lor.Ecaterina Cîrlan (Giurgiu, 2022-05-23)
signI am sovereign.
So I don't recognize the Authority,
Of the Romanian State
I agree with you
But don't forget to keep up and don't turn around
You don't have to give back a guest to a state still in its infancy, only 120 years old, that's how much Romania has and is led by the Parallel, Military, Securitate, Mafiot State. So we sovereigns do not want to give him any recognition and respect and so with the existence of the Parallel State, so we Sovereigns Have Our State. There are two categories of sovereigns and slaves in the world.
League for the Defense of the Rights of Sovereigns
WhatsApp If you speak perfect English you can be part of The International Government of Sovereigns Those with an average level of English may be sovereign but may not be part of the government We advocate for robotic digitization, progress optimization. A fully digitized education and state operations in English as well. Language is a big stumbling block and a pretext, once your country puts English first and the title is communicated at least 80% in English, you will benefit from International BAC Recognition of studies abroad The obligation for the states to optimize their services towards the citizen master. Increasing institutional transparency and digitization. Reducing corruption due to faster acceleration and dissemination through English, ie 12 billion people of which 8 billion are fluent in English even if they do not speak English at all and 2 billion speak English, if you publish a story of corruption, bureaucracy, you must translate it into 300 languages and 30,000 dialects, but if the whole planet is forced to speak English the news spreads in maximum 24 hours and out of 12 billion everyone understood perfectly plus I can comment so the news remains valid for another 30 days, otherwise you You have to pay 60,000 euros for the translations, and the news will spread in 45 days and will be forgotten immediately. Justice through this intensive international media coverage of the English language will be put on the wall of the execution platoon and will capitulate, meaning that it will no longer be so corrupt and incompetent. Today in the world 90% of the lawsuits are sold, it is bought, it is corruption plus incompetent stupidity, when it will be mandatory to impose English, corruption will decrease 10 times from 90% to 9%. Numerous international scandals can lead to the official or unofficial imposition of an embargo. International courts operate in English, 30% of cases are rejected because there are no good translations or judges do not know English well. Then your lawyers do not know English those who know are few and expensive in 100% of corruption cases, abuse but only 10% go and 3% of these are rejected on the subject of English and 7% remain. So out of 100% only 7% are judged internationally 93% lose from the start because clients and lawyers do not know English, plus like that 7% will not earn more than 3.5% the same because they do not know English, so practically from 100% only 3.5% earn and that's because of the English language. The increase of some senses by 96.5% of about 9.65 times will have a boomerang effect towards the national justice and will be 10 times more correct and fast.
WhatsApp If you speak perfect English you can be part of The International Government of Sovereigns Those with an average level of English may be sovereign but may not be part of the government We advocate for robotic digitization, progress optimization. A fully digitized education and state operations in English as well. Language is a big stumbling block and a pretext, once your country puts English first and the title is communicated at least 80% in English
Adrian Smarandache (Constanta, 2022-05-23)
Odată depuse declarațiile către ANAF ar trebui accesate de toți terții interesați.Ildiko Fulop (Brasov, 2022-05-24)
este un abuz, isi pot lua datele din D112 si de asemnea din BilanturiVOINEA DANIELA (BUCURESTI, 2022-05-24)
E total aiurea să dăm aceleași date la 100 de instituțiiVoicu Braiț (Arad, 2022-05-24)
-sa se elimine raportarile lunare ,trimestriale catre INSSEANA BADEA (BISTRITA, 2022-05-25)
Nu mai dorim sa pierdem timpul pe banii nostrii si in plus sa ii mai platim si pe ei.Elena-Alexandra Banica (Craiova, 2022-05-26)
este OKviorica ciobanu (galati, 2022-05-27)
Mi se par aberante atâtea raportări dublateMirela Moga (Alba Iulia, 2022-05-27)
prea multe rapoarteDaniela Dobrin (berceni, 2022-05-27)
Este inutilăCristina Stroe (Ploiesti, 2022-05-27)
Este logic sa terminam cu tot felul de raportări fără sens!Gabriela Voda (Tg.Mures, 2022-05-27)
Raportarile Consuma timp.Carmen Damaschin (Botosani, 2022-05-27)
Pentru digitalizarea documentelor .Mihaela Carmen Basturea (Pitesti, 2022-05-27)