no to the death penalty


    1. Hello everyone! We are trying to collect as many signatures as possible to try to abolish the death penalty! Let's think carefully that these people also have souls! They have parents, children, sisters and brothers and would they be our family members??? I think that these people shouldn't pay with their lives but by staying in prison you can't kill those who kill you are playing the same game as them, how can you teach not to kill if the first one to do it is the state? There are people who died innocently like "MARCELLUS" and you know how many other innocent people will have to die by accident or because the state has to cover someone up! "LET'S STOP THIS HORROR" Now we are working on the Wade Wilson case but many like him are in there innocently or many like him are suffering this horror! Help us sign this petition, the more the merrier! Thank you in advance, if you sign it means that there is still hope in the world, there is still some love and hearts and not just malice!


💙De-Je-Mely-Andrea💙    Contactați autorul petiției

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