Demisia premierului Victor Ponta cerută de mediul academic
SorinP |
/ #2237 Ce e de facut?2012-07-10 05:27Cereti comisiei europene sa investigheze in mod independent plagiatul lui Ponta. Am trimis urmatoarea scrisoare la comisia europeana. Va invit sa o folositi de model si sa trimiteti si dumneavoastra una: Dear Mrs.Viviane Reding, My name is YOUR NAME, I am a citizen of Romania, and I am extremely worried of what is going on in Romania right now and I have three concrete suggestions. I have just learned that Mr. Guy Verhofstadt, the ALDE President asked you to prepare an evaluation on the situation in Romania. If so, I find this a great idea and I support an independent, objective European point of view. In my opinion three core probes needs to be done in preparation to this evaluation. Suggestion one: an independent European probe in Victor Ponta’s PhD thesis. As you probably are aware, Victor Ponta, the prime minister of Romania was accused of plagiarism by journal Nature, one of the top scientific journals in the world (if not the top scientific journal). A scholar panel, in Romania deliberated on this case and reached the unanimous decision of gross plagiarism with more than 80 pages copied word for word. During deliberations, the government of PM Ponta disbanded the panel and cut the electricity to the building. The panel members included respected scholars, including the President of The Romanian Academy of Science, the highest scientific authority in the country. Such gross intimidation was followed by a now infamous public “explanation” by Ioan Rus, the interior minister in Romania who stated that following Plato and Aristotle everyone who wrote thesis in Mr. Ponta’s PhD area plagiarized. This probe is especially important given repeated public and private assurances of Mr. Ponta that there is nothing wrong going on right now, and this probe goes to the heart of Mr. Ponta’s credibility. Suggestion two: an independent European probe in Mr. Adrian Nastase suicide attempt. Mr. Adrian Nastase, a former PM of Romania, Mr. Ponta’s mentor and PhD adviser. As you are probably aware, Mr. Nastase, after exhausting all legal avenues, was found guilty of corruption and sentenced to jail. The Romanian law is extremely lax because it does not require the accused party to be physically present in the courtroom when sentencing is announced, and in case of a guilty verdict (even in cases where all legal recourses were priory exhausted), the guilty party has 24 hours to surrender. After sentencing, Mr. Ioan Rus, the interior minister, called Mr. Adrian Nastase to negotiate his surrender in a way which avoids the media. The official story is that upon the arrival of officers at his house, Mr. Nastase asked for permission to get a book with him, and instead grabbed a pistol and attempted to shoot himself in the head. The policemen grabbed or hit Mr. Nastase’s gun and the bullet trajectory was deflected with the bullet entering the neck, exiting the neck, entering the shoulder and exiting through the arm. Then Mr. Nastase was taken to a hospital where after a week he finally went to jail. There are many questions related to this storyline. First there is the lack of any blood stains when Mr. Nastase was taken to the ambulance which was very conveniently on stand by mode outside his house. One would expect Mr. Nastase to bleed profusely from such a wound, but instead he had only a fancy scarf around his neck, no IV line, no oxygen mask, and no blood stains anywhere. Later on, one of the policemen stated that Mr. Nastase changed his shirt inside the house by himself and I would question the ability of any gravely injured person to achieve such a feat. Also later on, one of the paramedics declared that Mr. Nastase had only a bullet scratch on his neck and the there was only a need for a small bandage. Then upon arrival at the hospital, the doctors waited over 10 hours to perform the complex operation, and there is deep suspicion about the doctors. One of the doctors is under indictment for corruption himself, and had performed a similar public relation stunt before preventing another high ranking official in a corruption case to go to jail after sentencing. The second doctor is a plastic surgeon and the suspicion is that he used plastic surgery to create fake entry and exit wounds. The case was politically exploited by the PM Victor Ponta who visited Mr. Nastase in hospital and publicly shamed the president Mr. Traian Basescu for driving Mr.Nastase to commit suicide. A probe was launched into this affair to clarify it, but then publicly, Mr. Hannes Swoboda, the president of the group of the Progressive Aliance of Socialists and Democtrats appealed on a Romanian TV station, Antena 3, asking to stop this probe. An independent European probe has to be launched, free of gross interference from the interior minister, or Mr. Swoboda. Suggestion three: an independent probe into potential kickbacks during major privatizations during Mr. Nastase tenure as prime minister. Mr. Adrian Nastase is recorded in the collective public opinion as probably the most corrupt and arrogant Romania politician who ruled with an iron fist Romania. During his tenure, there were many high profile privatization scandals and many privatizations benefited Austrian interests. It is highly likely that Mr. Swoboda was associated with those rogue privatizations, and to eliminate the cloud of this serious suspicion, an independent probe should either clear or confirm the suspicion. As circumstantial evidence, the Balkans have a legacy of deep corruption due to hundreds of years of Ottoman empire rule. After Mr. Swoboda’s public appeal into stopping the coverup probe in Mr. Nastase case, I find disconcerting that Mr. Swoboda foreign activity is focused on the Balkans. In Mr. Swoboda defense, there was a high corruption case of Mr. Adrian Severin, an EMP from Mr. Ponta’s party in which Mr. Severin had to resign his membership in his party under pressure from Mr. Swoboda. But in that case, there was a public scandal involving much more than Mr. Severin, and that created a large public relation problem. Thank you for your time and please enter those three probes into consideration if you decide to prepare an evaluation. I consider them the key aspects which need to be clarified in an objective unbiased way. Thank you for supporting democracy and the European values which I think are under serious attack in Romania right now. Sincerely, YOUR NAME Swoboda e un co-conspirator alaturi de Ponta si Antonescu si s-a infruptat mult prea mult in borcanul cu miere al privatizarilor dubioase din Balcani unde este raportor. EU nu trebuie sa sanctioneze doar derapajele de la democratie din Romania, ci si pe profitorii din alianta socialista. Va rog sa distribuiti scrisoarea pe toate retelele de socializare. Astazi suntem 13 mii de oameni cinstiti. Este prea putin pentru populatia Romaniei, dar vocea noastra trebuie sa fie auzita in intreaga Europa. |
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