Demisia premierului Victor Ponta cerută de mediul academic


/ #1915 E grav ! Cititi ce spun americanii despre ceea ce se inatmpla la noi :

2012-07-03 17:17

( Copiati si traduceti in romana cu "google translate" pentru cei care nu stiu bine engleza )

I am deeply concerned about any attempt to threaten the independence of Romania’s democratic institutions. Manipulation or threats to your institutions particularly your courts will not only be of concern to our government but to the way Romania is viewed by financial markets. We have had unfortunate experience in the United States with "court packing" when President Roosevelt tried to change the composition of our Supreme Court when he became unhappy with some of its decisions. These acts were universally condemned. It was a dark day in an otherwise great presidency and it will be a dark day in Romanian history if the same comes to pass here.

Ambassador Mark H. Gitenstein

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