Respectaţi Legea Educaţiei Naţionale la UMF Tg. Mureş!
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/ #1094 Re: Gabor Nagy2012-03-20 21:42" Act in accordance with the Education Law at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tg. Mures! The University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Targu Mures has multicultural and multilingual university status in Romanian and Hungarian (Art. 363 of the Education Law). According to Art. 135/1/b, in multicultural and multilingual higher education institutes divisions or sections must be established in the languages of national minorities. The creation of the Hungarian section was precluded illegally by the University Senate. University autonomy does not supersede the laws of the country. According to Art. 121, the Ministry of Education is the authorized public authority to monitor and control the legal compliance of higher education institutes, as well as to control how universities exercise university autonomy. Despite the repeated warnings of the Ministry of Education, the Senate drafted a University Charter which is not in accordance with legal provisions, therefore was not approved by the Ministry. Consequently the university elections were held unlawfully. In addition, the Senate blocked the drafting of the Hungarian section's regulation, which would have had to establish the election procedures and other specific organizational aspects of that section, therefore the Hungarian teachers were deprived of their rights. The current system and the recently created situation jeopardizes the sustainable medical education in Hungarian. We want guarantees for the survival of medical education in Hungarian, and the application of the principles of art. 135/4 of the Education Law. We welcome the Government's initiative to regulate the created situation by the Government Decision to amend paragraph 44 of annex no. 2 of G.D. 966/2011, being entitled to do it by Art. 121 of the Education Law. Therefore we request: - the urgent adoption of the draft G.D. amending paragraph 44 of annex no. 2 of G.D. 966/2011, - enforcement of the Education Law, - drafting the University Charter in accordance with legal provisions, - Hungarian medical education including practical activities in accordance with the principles of the Education Law, - cancellation of the elections, which were held without legal basis, and their repetition. The Hungarian Teachers of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tg. Mures and the Hungarian Student Association at Tg. Mures
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