România-Norvegia, împreună pentru copiii Bodnariu


/ #14981

2016-01-15 17:24

Mesajul pe care i l-am scris si transmis printului Norvegiei in ziua de 9 ianuarie 2016 ora 21.44 pe email si facebook: Dear Prince of Norway, I could not see any news on your majesty site about Bodnariu family and I wonder as an European citizen, and I know you also are an European citizen as myself, did you or anybody around you hear about the Universal Convention of Childrens Rights? Did you know about Norway Constitution, it is written there as follows:Our values will remain our Christian and humanist heritage. This Constitution shall ensure democracy, a state based on the rule of law and human rights? Who gave birth to you? Your mother or your crown? It is unbelievable to me to see what is your people doing to other people, Bodnariu family are people - father, mother, children! I said family. Did I offend using this word? The only, only, situation in which a Governmental authority can disrupt children from a parent (I cannot believe that both father Bodnariu and mother Bodnariu cannot be with their children as a whole family) is with both parents in jail from crimes against their children, which obviously This is not the case. The both parents are at home, in their home, sitting freely on their coach, But they do not have access to their own children??? How come? You have a law allowing this? If you have a law like this, obviously more inforce like your own Constitution, as a lawyer I may advice you to move to another country. Good evening Sir