România-Norvegia, împreună pentru copiii Bodnariu


/ #12425

2016-01-13 15:03

I have signed this petition as Norway needs to understand the connection between Romanian children and their parents before acting or allowing the destroying of a family life. Romanians develop a very close relation with their children where children look after their parents until death putting aside ld parents being left in cate homes. That starts from early life and their connection becomes atronger and atronger as time goes by. In the same time Romanians do not have the options that Norwegians have at hand if a family situation arise in terms of social support. Therefore the understanding is that a Romanian family must prepare their children for the hardship of life and through discipline the development of social values such as respect for the one next to you, for the elderly and such...In the same time Romanians wanting to live in Norward need to obey the laws of the land and they trust the Norwegian Government in being fair when assessing a family situation. In the mentioned case there was no advisory entity to educate the parents and guide them through a process of avoiding the breaking of the law. Norway must return the children to the family in the same time in which a Council Advisor must be made available for following up with the Romanian family on the set of rules, regulations and procedures that would allow the Romanian family to become right and valuable citizens with a 100% of obedience in front of the law. If the Local Council in that localty would have informed the parents on the prospects of the children being taken away there is a 100% certainty that the parents would have followed up on the info. Therefore the procedure must be started from the beginning, the children must be returned to their parents along a set of rules being made available to the Romanian family and this petition could be a tool helping the Norwegian Authorities in deciding to proceed in doing just that. That is why I have signed the petition and I hope that Romanian Citizens realize that by coming together they could help children being returned to their family.