Abuzurile din Romania trec oceanul
Musafir |
/ #178912014-01-11 17:02Abuses in Romania over the ocean Secretary of State John Kerry he sent an envoy to Bucharest these days. For correct information on realities of Romania and the serious slippages in democratic principles and fundamental human rights , many Romanian citizens and decided to write an open letter . If you agree with this letter open and if you want to be as the signal more serious abuses of Romanian society will expect you to join this initiative by signing the petition . Dear Secretary of State, We address this open letter on behalf of numerous novels concerned with the democratic development of their country and the external perception of the political situation in Romania , and the relations between the state and the citizen through the observance of fundamental human rights . We manifest the belief that the support that the United States have given Ameericii for construction in our country strong and favorable rule of law to every citizen , it will still show the same openness and objective understanding of the realities of Romania . Therefore we hope that you will believe and our view based both on good faith and on an accurate knowledge of the internal context . Romania has entered in the last nine years on a slope , deviating from the genuine democratic aspired to that . The current head of state , President Traian Basescu , exponent of the old communist regime - as a recognized and otherwise - and suspect based on clues links with the former Securitate [ Ceausescu 's repressive apparatus ] , and built a system own despotic dangerous manifestations . This regime strengthened alarmingly in recent years, based on the total subjugation of the institutions of power and the use of intelligence , and the organs of public order or tax structures for the hunt or even eliminate opponents from public life or to protect the misuse of their own political and financial clients . Much more serious is exerting pressure but stifling and abusive direct control over the judiciary . These interventions of President Basescu went from installing compromised people and so easy to handle in key positions to lead Prosecutor or the Supreme Court , to the public or small frame transmission of indications to prosecutors on how to manage certain folders . There were only retrieved and manipulated levers of power abuse. Were added one by one other , the Superior Council of Magistracy to the Constitutional Court. Serious violation of constitutional delimitation of powers went from rough overlay over government powers to repeated attacks on the credibility and role of Parliament and furious attacks on the press , the journalists , the fundamental right to freedom of opinion and expression. Arrangements designed and commissioned by Traian Basescu protected All this time the vast corruption from the top political power , sending trial but often without sufficient evidence to sustain the conviction or political opponents or innocents and politically disengaged but unable to defend itself against a legal system built on abuse and incompetence . In the face of these numerous attempts to subordinate every institution of state, intellectuals , trade unions, professional associations, civic or raised his voice to protest and oppose the autocratic regime . The last and most surprising was the association that brings together judges from Romania , exasperated and its political control established by his henchmen president of the Superior Council of Magistracy. Hoping that our message was properly understood , all that concern to stop these dangerous trends affecting extremely deep democracy in Romania , thank you for your interest and support of democratic virtues manifested Standing respect and , above all, the rights and fundamental freedoms . |
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