Abuzurile din Romania trec oceanul


/ #7927

2014-01-10 06:47

i hope this petision will have some consequences in our lives,after a big disappointment in July 2012 when after over 7.5 milion voters told Mr. Basescu to leave the presidency and him with a some part of a so called justice and Romanian Constitutional Court refuse tu put in charge that desire and achievment.Now Romania is a divided country between social classes and profesional categories where a policeman or a teacher with 20 years of work have a salary that put them to the edge of society and it`s similar with social aids in some countries from E.U.....and in the first days of 2014 Basescu said that his famous saying of him with one that won the first presidency ~let live well~ it was not a promise to us but only a saying...and he is the president of Romania!