Cerem controlul reproductiei canine,cu sau fara proprietar


Mangalia, oras municipiu, oras statiune turistica, orasul Crimelor comise asupra cainilor sterilizati si nesterilizati, orasul in  care campania de exterminare a cainilor comunitari se face de catre autoritati ca razbunare asupra iubitorilor de animale, a celor care sterilizeaza pe banii proprii , fara nici un sprijin din partea autoritatilor locale.

Daca noi iubitorii de animale  din Mangalia ,am avut  curajul de a ne manifesta dezaprobarea fata de metodele barbare folosite de autoritati impotriva cainilor, am fost injurati, huiduiti, amenintati.

"Prinde si Ucide",( o risipa de bani, fara rezultat),

programul de gestionare a cainilor fara proprietar, nu rezolva eficient si durabil problema cainilor comunitari ci este doar o


Daca nu doriti ca Mangalia sa  fie cunoscuta ca “macelarul Europei”iar mainele sa va fie scaldate permanent in sange, sustineti: STERILIZARE si RETURNARE






Solutiile Eficiente si Durabile de gestionare a populatiei  canine cu sau fara stapan:

-identificarea cainilor cu stapan;

-inscrierea lor intr-o baza de date la nivel local;

-sterilizarea cainior cu sau fara stapan , cu exceptia cainilor cu valoare chinologica si drept de monta, a cainilor utilitari si a celor a carei interventie chirurgicala  nu este posibila;

-reteritorializarea cainilor fara stapan, cu exceptia celor cu probleme de comportament;

- adapostirea cainilor care nu pot fi eliberati , in conditii decente, asigurandu-le conditiile de bunastare prevazute de lege;

- campanii de adoptie pentru cainii din adapost

Proiectul de ucidere a cainilor(initiat de autoritatile publice locale ale Mun.Mangalia) ESTE IN OPOZITIE cu:
- Legea de protectie a animalelor,
- Conventia Europeana pentru Protectia Animalelor de Companie,
- Tratatul de la Lisabona (art.13, TFEU),
- Declaratia Universala a Drepturilor Animalelor,
- Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii, OMS Geneva



Calculele au la baza un caine de o greutate medie de 20kg.

-Costul minim pt.capturare si ucidere : Tranchilizare – 3.81 Euro/ caine

Hranire (14 zile) – 5 Euro/caine
Anestezic – 1,01 Euro/caine
Solutie eutanasiere – 3,47 Euro/caine
Incinererea corpului – 10 Euro/caine
TOTAL (exclusiv TVA ) : 23,29/caine

-Costul sterilizarii si returnarii :

Anestezic - 1,01 Euro/caine
Suturi, analgezic - 4,17 Euro/caine
Hranire (5 zile) – 1,77 Euro/ caine
TOTAL (exclusiv TVA) : 6,95/caine

FlashMob , Mangalia, 21 iulie 2011. Mesajul pentru Viata, Decenta, Moralitate si Civilizatie, insemna huiduieli si injurii.



English version:

We are fighting to take the control over the canine reproduction, of the dogs with or without owners

Mangalia, the resort, the town of the murders on castrated or intact dogs, the town where the campaign regarding the extermination of the community dogs is provided by the authorities as a revenge against the people who love animals and against the people who castrate animals on their own money, without any support from the local authorities.

“Catch and Kill” ( a waste of money with no result)

The program regarding the management of the dogs without owners doesn’t solve efficient and durable the problem of the community dogs, more, it had been converted into a “ industry of killing dogs”.

If you don’t want Mangalia to be known as the “ butcher of Europe” and our days to be washed continuously in blood, than support: “ Castration and return”

Efficient and durable solutions for he management of the dogs with or without owners:

-         the identification of the dogs with owners

-         the registration of the dogs into a local data base

-         the castration of the dogs with or without owner, with the exception of the dogs which have the right fit, of the working dogs and of the dogs where a surgery is not possible

-         the return of the dogs without owners, excepting those with behavior problems

-         housing in decent conditions providing the welfare provided by the law of the dogs which cannot be released

-         adoption campaigns for the dogs from shelters.

The project regarding the killing of dogs from Mangalia is in opposition with:

-         The Animal Protection Law

-         The European Convention for the Animal Protection

-         The Lisbon Treaty ( 13, TFEU)

-         The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights

-         The World Health Organization, Who, Geneva

The costs for Castration and Return vs the costs for Catching and Killing

The calculations are based on a dog of average weight, around 20 kilos:

-         The minimum cost for Catching and Killing:

Narcotizing : 3, 81 E for dog

Feeding( 14 days) : 5 E for dog

Anaesthetizing : 1, 01 E for dog

Euthanasia solution : 3, 72 E for dog

Incineration of the body : 10 e for dog

Total ( exclusive TVA) : 23, 29 e for dog

-         Castration and Return costs:

Anaesthetizing: 1, 01 e for dog

Analgesic : 4, 17 e for dog

Feeding ( 5 Days): 1, 77 E for dog

Total : 6, 95 e for dog